首先由衷感谢加拿大宗教研究基金会理事观星先生的大力协助与多方面运作,为大家带来此次盛大的古典诗词吟唱音乐会!We sincerely thank for Mr. Guan, Xing’s greatest support to bring us this wonderful and fantastic concert! 观星先生除组织赞助商并同时自己出资承担音乐会各项费用支出之外,还将把全部票房收入捐献给新天地文化中心用于为三年后继续运行积累资金。Mr. Guan, Xing helped organize the concert and afforded all the expenses. In addition, he will donate all the ticket income to XIN TIAN DI Culture Centre! 在此,文化中心所有工作人员谨向观星先生致以由衷的谢意! 并希望大家能够踊跃购票前来欣赏本次音乐会,同时也为华人文化中心的持续发展出一份力! We hereby express our sincere appreciation to Mr. Guan, Xing’s support! And we encourage everybody come buy the ticket and enjoy the concert, together we will build a better culture centre for us all! 音乐会简介如下 Below is the brief introduction of the concert 中国古典诗词吟唱音乐会 AN ELEGANT CONCERT Ancient Poetry Singing Accompanied with Classic Instruments 中华传统文化的顶级视听享受 Supreme visual and musical enjoyment of traditional Chinese culture 诗经雅乐 CLASSIC OF POETRY & ELEGANT MUSIC 古乐府 POEMS OF ANCIENT YUEFU (MUSIC BUREAU) 汉赋 FU (POETIC EXPOSITION) OF HAN DYNASTY 唐诗 POETRY OF TANG DYNASTY 昆曲 KUNQU OPERA 宋词 LYRICS OF SONG DYNASTY 红楼诗词 LYRICS FROM“DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER” 演出地点 Address: Unit 215, 3085 Hurontario St. Mississauga, ON L5A 4E4 日期 Date:Jan 4th, 2013 Saturday 时间 Time:2pm-4pm 门票价格 Ticket Price: $10 / person, 10人以上团体票享受优惠 售票地点:新天地文化中心 Unit 215, 3085 Hurontario St. Mississauga, ON 购票电话及联系人:请致电新天地文化中心 416-874-6998 与工作人员联系购票 或致电 647-241-0503 宋艳(Helen Song) 新天地文化中心秘书长 Pls call 647-241-0503 Helen Song to buy the ticket 主办方 Sponsor: 新天地文化中心 XIN TIAN DI CULTURE CENTRE 协办方:多伦多雅乐艺术中心 Toronto Ya Yue Art Center 安省华人汽车协会 宏利金融 Manulife Financial 加拿大宗教研究基金会 NATIONAL THEOLOGY FOUNDATION 中国古典诗词吟唱音乐会简介 CHINESE ANCIENT POETRY SONG CONCERT 开场介绍 中国古典诗词雅乐 上半场: 先秦诗经雅乐-鹿鸣 先秦古诗 清[理性元雅] 琴谱曲) 汉赋-凤求凰 汉 司马相如(179B.C.-127B.C.)词, [梅庵琴谱]曲 唐诗-关山月 唐 李白 (701 A.D -762 A.D )词,古乐府曲,朱彦晏定谱 唐诗-竹里馆 唐 王维(701A.D.-761A.D.)词,林华煦定谱 中场休息 中场介绍 雅乐演奏常见乐器的介绍 下半场: 宋词-杏花天影 宋 姜夔(1155 A.D -1221 A.D.)词曲,朱彦晏定谱 宋词-如梦令 宋 李清照 (1084 A.D-1155 A.D)词曲,朱彦晏定谱 昆曲-牡丹亭/游园/步步娇 明 汤显祖(1550A.D.—1616A.D.)词曲 红楼诗词-枉凝眉 清 曹雪芹(1715A.D.-1763A.D.)词,王立平(1941-)曲 观众提问交流 多伦多雅乐艺术中心简介 INTRODUCTION 多伦多雅乐艺术中心致力于传播中国传统的高雅文化艺术,为加拿大人了解中国哲学,文学,艺术教育服务。中心定期进行成员雅集,对外公开演出。 Toronto Ya-Yue (Elegant Music) Art Center promotes Chinese traditional elegant music and literati arts and elegant martial arts culture, in traditional Yaji (elegant gathering) , presentation, performance or workshop, to demonstrate Chinese philosophy, literature, and arts. 主要成员简介Our members: 朱彥晏 Zhu, Yanyan
1971年生, 字1971年生, 字紫陽, 号龍吟琴館主人, 南京人氏, 南京师范大学英美文学专业毕业,自幼家学渊源,工于诗词歌赋,喜好舞文弄墨。1990年师从金陵派古琴大师,诸城派第五代传承人刘 正春, 后受教于广陵派大师,广陵派第十一代传承人梅曰强,及吴门琴家吴兆齐。并得到著名琴家龚一,谢孝苹,陈长林,林友仁,张铜霞,马杰,茅毅等诸多明师指教。2009年录有个人古琴独奏曲集CD[龍吟]。另致力于诸城派琴学的深入研究,为诸城派祖谱[龍吟馆琴谱]打谱,并发掘整理中国传统的诗词歌赋吟唱曲目,创作演奏禅道意味的琴曲,形成其哲学意境,文学品位的独特琴风。 Yanyan Zhu, BA (Nanjing Normal Univ.), courtesy name Ziyang, alias. Master of the Longyin Qin Studio龍吟琴館主人, originated from Nanjing,China. She developed a deep passion for Chinese poetry and arts since a young age, and started learning the qin from Jinling and Zhucheng School Master Liu Zhengchun. She later travelled across China to study from the Guangling, Yushan, and Zhejiang Schools, all of which contributed to her unique personal style. She has an audio CD album “Long Yin – dragon murmurs“which collects her qin solo performances。 林華煦 Lin, Huaxu
1942年生, 号自由翁,香港人氏, 香港师范中国文学专业毕业,数十年中文历史教育生涯,热爱音乐,精于二胡,笛箫演奏,组建多伦多耆乐社( Ch.E.E.R.S), 致力于营造老年人社交娱乐社区。 Freeman Huaxu Lin, is the concertmaster and co-founder of Chinese Elders Ensemble For Relaxation and Service( Ch.E.E.R.S), originated from Hong Kong, China. With Hong Kong Teacher’s College Literature education background and decades of Chinese language and history teaching experience, he loves music and literature, developed his deep passion for Erhu, Xiao, Dizi and community activities. 黄瑞华 –中阮 Huang, Ruihua
出生于香港,她带着激情在加拿大演奏音乐. 演奏古筝15年, 2000年开始在音乐会, 晚会 及各种社团组织表演进行公开演出. 目前她是多伦多雅乐艺术中心, 多伦多中乐团活跃成员。她自2003年教授古筝。3年前, 她开始演奏中阮,她喜欢该乐器, 并参加乐团中阮表演. Born in Hong Kong. She carried her passion for music to Canada. She has played Guzheng for 15 years. She started performing publicly in 2000. Since then, she had been a guest performer playing Guzheng on many occasion for various organizations. She is currently an active member of Toronto Ya-Yue Art Center, Toronto Chinese Orchestra. She has been a Guzheng teacher since 2003. She starts playing Zhongruan 3 years ago, she enjoys that instrument a lot and start playing that in Orchestra.” 徐晨 Xu, Chen
出生于广州市, 1986年开始担任广东省及广州市电视台导播,1992年移民加拿大后从事大型晚会及婚庆司仪主持至今. 2008年开始参与多伦多雅乐艺术中心中國傳統文化和表演藝術各类活动, 表演诗词吟唱和节目主持. Xu Chen, born in Guangzhou City, as Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City TV director since 1986 , as program hostess in concerts, large parties and master of weddingceremonies after emigrated to Canada in 1992. She began to participate in Toronto Ya-Yue Arts Center Chinese traditional cultural activities and performances as poetry singing and program hostess since 2008. 张迪 Zhang, Di
1990 年出生于黑龙江省大庆市。5 岁启蒙于扬琴演奏家于文玉老师。2008 年以专业课第一的成绩考入中央民族大学音乐学院,随薛澍老师学习,期间得到了桂习礼教授的悉心指导。2008 年加入中央少数民族乐团。 主持人个人简历 MC of Concert 柯飞翔 Efraim Klamph
2010年毕业于多伦多大学,目前在多伦多大学攻读教育学硕士学位。2006年开始正式学习汉语。他希望通过多样的渠道学习和运用汉语。 2009年接触到中国曲艺并开始学习快板书。2010年参加第九届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛多伦多赛区,获一等奖。随后赴华复赛,决赛中获三等奖。 2012年开始参加多伦多群乐相声茶社,并在中国、加拿大及美国多个晚会当主持人、演员。 Efraim Klamph graduated from the University of Toronto in 2010 and is currently completing his M.Ed in Education also at the University of Toronto. In 2006, he started to learn Chinese in an academic setting. As he hoped to integrate a variety of ways to further his Chinese ability, he came into contact with Chinese folk art in 2009 and began studying Kuai Ban or “Clappertalk”. In 2010, Efraim participated in the 9th “Chinese Bridge” Proficiency Competition for College Students and received first prize in the Toronto area preliminary competition. He continued to compete in China and was awarded third prize in the finals. In 2012, he started to participate in events organized by the Toronto Qunle Xiangsheng Society. Efraim has had a number of opportunities to be a master of ceremonies and a performer in Chinese shows and gatherings in China, Canada and America. 特别鸣谢:加拿大宗教研究基金会 & 铁木尔The UPS Store
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